Why Study in USA For Dubai Student
Looking at current world statistics for higher education, of the 1.2 million students pursuing post secondary education outside their home countries, more than one-third choose to study in USA . The trend over the years has been increasingly towards the US and a lot of people are beginning to notice. But the question remains, why is the US such a popular destination for a lot of aspiring minds? What does the US offer others seem not to have as much? Here are some pointers. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Looking at the top 100 universities in the world, one can easily see a great majority of them come from the US. The United States has one of the world’s finest university systems, with outstanding programs in virtually all fields. At the undergraduate level, excellent programs exist in traditional disciplines as well as in professional fields. At the graduate level, students often have the opportunity to work directly with some of the finest minds in the world. U.S. degrees are recognized thr...